5 Ways Inbound Marketing Can Change the Way You Do Business Online

Maybe it's happened to you before. You were on a website and you clicked on a link that asked you for a little bit of information. But you know the way the game works, so you didn't provide the information. But THEN, you saw something you really wanted. Was it a FREE ebook? Was it a presentation you just had to have? So, you gave up your information.
The next thing you knew, you were getting an email. Or a phone call. And that company knew EXACTLY what you needed. They knew how to solve your problems. It was like magic.
Or was it?
You can apply inbound marketing strategies to your business. And, trust me, after you figure out how to attract visitors to your website, convert them into leads, close those leads into customers and then continue to delight them with your business practices, you will never want to turn back.
So, how does inbound marketing change the way you do business online? Here are five ways it impacts your thought processes, your customers, and, in the end, your business:
- You begin to think about your customers differently. If you're like most people, your main thoughts are always centered on your product or service. You want to get people to see your business and need your product. But what if you went about that a different way? What if you offered your customers solutions to their problems without ever mentioning your company or your product? What if you just gave them information they need when they need it? What happens the next time they need something? Well, they may very well come back to your site to find it. And the next time they come back, they might realize that what they need is your product.
- You begin to figure out ways to offer solutions. You start asking yourself questions like, "What is it my customers really want? What are their biggest problems?" You'll find resources to give to them. For free. Well, it's essentially free. In exchange for their email address or, perhaps, their company size, you can give them resources that will help them solve their problems. You'll offer an ebook. You'll create a whitepaper. You'll offer a webinar. You'll start doing things you never dreamed would be a good fit for your business.
- Your customers will begin to think about you differently. They will start to think of you as a resource for more than just a product. They'll come to you for more solutions. And every time they come back, they'll give you just a little bit more information about themselves until you have a lot of information about them. You might have enough to give them a call and close the sale.
- You'll know more about your website traffic. Sure, a lot of people can tell you how many hits they're getting. They can tell you how many times a page was viewed. But you'll know more. You might know that Joe Smith's company has about 300 people. You'll know that he visited your site 20 times over the last two months. You know that he's a manager who has the final say in purchasing products just like yours. And you have his phone number. You'll be able to call Joe and say "Hey, how can we help you?" Can your competitors do that?
- You'll convert visitors into leads and leads into customers. With all that information you're collecting, you'll ensure that more of your website traffic doesn't just browse. You'll be able to usher them through your sales funnel to close the deal.
Inbound marketing isn't magic but it is real. It will take time and some attention to detail. But, with some effort and some great content, you can change the way your business works online and, in the end, impact your bottom line.
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