Marketing for Non-Profits: 5 Ways to do it Differently

Inbound marketing is highly reliant upon internal resources. All businesses are created differently, and non-profit organizations harness traffic in unique ways. At its core, inbound marketing utilizes materials to attract visitors. Where destinations are considered, garnering online attention is contingent upon the modern online environment. Non-profit businesses rely on different tactics to boost traffic, and the following 5 methods prove successful for many like-minded entities.
1. Relevancy as a Priority
Of course, inbound marketing thrives upon relevancy. Non-profit businesses, however, rely upon it more than their profiting counterparts. Non-profit marketing needs to offer relevant content capable of attracting audiences and holding their interest. This relationship is a key component of success, and non-profit organizations need social media outlets as a main fuel source to connect with their markets of supporters.
Relevancy, powered through search engine optimization, guarantees website search results. Profiting companies, in most cases, experience high Google rankings. To stay in the race, a non-profit organization needs incredible relevancy.
2. Budgeting as a Major Factor
Non-profit organizations and small businesses experience similar inbound marketing difficulties. Where budgets are considered, inbound marketing’s advantages exist in its allocated budget percentages. Inbound marketing ventures, in most cases, are more economical than outbound marketing tactics.
Focusing a large budget portion on inbound mechanics expands a non-profit’s spending options. Often, those discovering a non-profit already have interests in its causes. Non-profits differ from regular businesses in their commitment strategies, investment options and overall budgeting methods.
3. Focusing on the Cause
Every valuable business promotes ethics to propel its goodwill upon target markets and communities. Non-profits, however, are chiefly cause-based entities. Non-profit organizations witness an extreme advantage when focusing on their cause. Harnessing market potential, for non-profit organizations, is a matter of entailing community benefits, rather than product and service features.
4. "Supporters", not "Audience"
Inbound marketing, for many businesses, requires an attentive nod to "audiences". Attracting website visitors, promoting click-through rates, and maintaining viewers is vital for commercial entities.
Non-profit organizations, however, don’t rely on products and services to garner page views. In fact, their inbound trajectories are highly influenced by their ability to convert audiences into supporters. Repeat non-profit website visitors are community contributors. They’re involved parties. Non-profit organizations change marketing segments into supporters, generating repeat visits and promoting the entity’s overall cause.
5. Prompting Community Action
Modern businesses promote consumer action. Purchasing, investing in, viewing, or even considering a product or service, for most commercial entities, is an endgame venture. For non-profit organizations, however, community action remains a valuable goal. Content created for an inbound marketing project should always appeal to a target audience, sure. Non-profit organizations differ, however, in their heavy reliance on self-sustaining audiences.
So what?
An audience in motion stays in motion. Communities prompted to act will garner more interest. They’ll increase a non-profit organization’s viewership without injecting funds. Initial interest, as always, requires inbound mechanics. Non-profits should take advantage of these tips to beef up their marketing efforts and draw supporters to their cause.
Learn more about how Inbound Marketing can help your Non-profit thrive!
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